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Your Tour Business Website Header Should Answer These 3 Critical Questions

web-designYour website's header is the first thing potential customers see when they find your tour business online. If your website header doesn’t quickly explain how your tours can enhance their travel experience, those potential customers may click away in search of another company that offers what they’re looking for. They won’t take the time to explore your site to determine your offer. Most visitors scan your website for key information, so it's essential to grab their attention immediately with a well-designed header.

The key to keeping customers engaged is to think like your audience. Visitors to your site are searching for specific answers and solutions, such as the perfect tour or experience for their next adventure. Your website header needs to communicate these answers and solutions.

To encourage potential customers to explore your tours further, your header should answer these three critical questions in simple, clear language:

1. What tours do you offer?

Your website header should clearly state the types of tours or experiences you provide. If you offer city walking tours, this should be immediately obvious. If you specialize in food tours, cultural experiences, or adventure excursions, clarify that in your header.

If potential customers don’t immediately understand what you offer, they will not know if they’re in the right place and will move on to another site.

Your tours and experiences should be front and center on your site and marketing materials. If it’s unclear what you offer just by glancing at your website header, it’s time to rethink your approach. This is critical for attracting and retaining visitors.

2. How will your tours make your customer’s trip unforgettable?

Once customers know what tours you offer, they need a compelling reason to book with you. Your website header should quickly communicate how your tours can enhance their travel experience.

Can your food tour introduce them to local culinary delights they wouldn’t discover on their own? Will your guided adventure tour take them off the beaten path to hidden gems? Whatever unique value your tours provide, clarify in your header so potential customers understand why they should choose you.

This is your opportunity to showcase past guests' success stories and build excitement about the experiences you offer. Every tour company has something special—highlight what makes yours stand out.

3. How can your customers book a tour?

Finally, your header should indicate how customers can book a tour with you. This is your call to action—your chance to guide customers to take the next step.

Make your call to action direct and easy to follow: "Book Your Tour Now," "Reserve Your Spot," or "Schedule Your Experience." Don’t leave customers guessing about how to proceed after you’ve piqued their interest. A confusing or unclear booking process can deter potential customers and become a major obstacle to making sales.

A Quick Test for Your Website Header

While considering these three questions, take some time to brainstorm different headers and make a list. Then, choose the one that best represents your brand and resonates with your target audience. Remember to keep it clear and concise—unless you're serving an extremely niche customer base, you might want to avoid being overly clever or using unfamiliar industry jargon that might confuse your broader customer base.

As you evaluate your headers, try the "grunt test" from Donald Miller and Dr. J.J. Peterson’s book Marketing Made Simple.

Could a caveman understand what your business offers just by looking at your website header?

If not, it’s time to simplify or streamline the information in your header.

The header should convey the most critical information about your business:

  1. What tours do you offer?
  2. How will customers benefit?
  3. How can they book a tour?

Ensuring your website header answers these essential questions will increase your chances of converting visitors into paying customers. 

If you’re struggling to create a website header that passes the grunt test, we’re here to help! Schedule a consultation with us to learn how to turn your website into a sales machine that drives more bookings.